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The shared Nipissing University and Canadore College campus sits on the territory of Nipissing First Nation, the territory of the Anishnabek, within lands protected by the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850. We are grateful to be able to live and learn on these lands with all our relations.
Looking for Articles for Assignments or Personal Interest?
Use the Nipissing Search or Canadore Search on the Library Home page. This search provides access to a range of databases housing academic journals or popular magazine articles and other resources.
Find Databases on the Library Home page (under the Resources tab). This link to the A-Z Database Guide will allow you to search for databases by title or subject area.
Google Scholar will search the library and open access collections worldwide. Access this tool through the Library's A-Z Database Guide to view full-text articles that are accessible to your affiliated institution.
Gender Equality and Social Justice Journals: A list of academic journals with gender and social justice content is included on this page. Browsing subject-specific journals is a great way to get a sense of current trends and issues. If you are searching for articles on a specific topic it is probably more efficient to search in a database.
Databases & Portals: See below for a list of databases and research portals with Gender Equality and Social Justice content.
How to search:
Think about your search terms:
Try, for example:
NFB has assembled a pair of curated playlists of films created by women:
Special Awareness Dates and Holidays Subject list in ON-Core.
To find recommended titles for this month, go to