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Nipissing University
Tutorials and How-To Guide
How Do I Find Information for my Assignments?
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Tutorials and How-To Guide
This Guide connects visitors to the Learning Library YouTube channel content, Slideshare Presentations, and selected external content to build effective research and library access skills.
YouTube Videos
Slide Presentations
How Do I Find Information for my Assignments?
How Do I Find Books?
How Do I Find Articles?
How Do I Find DVDs and Blu-Rays?
How Do I Find Course Reserves?
How Do I Find Teaching Resources?
How Do I Renew Borrowed Items Online?
What is Plagiarism?
Other Tips and How-To Guides
Your Library - News From the Edge of the Shelf Archive
How do I find information for my assignments?
by Kathryn McCaskill
Slide Presentations
How Do I Find Books? >>