Borrowing Items
It is free to borrow items from the library.
Once you find the material you would like to borrow, bring it to the service desk on the 1st floor and a staff member will sign it out to you.
- To sign out material, you use your Nipissing Digital Student ID Card, or, Canadore Digital Student ID Card, or a physical student card as a library card
- If you do not have your student card on you then a piece of photo ID will also be accepted
- Microfilm/Magazines/Newspapers/Reference books cannot be signed out and may only be used in the building
Different materials are signed out for different amounts of time. The loan periods are:
- Books - 120 days
- Kits, Posters & Puppets - 28 days
- Media (DVDs, Audiobooks etc.) - 14 days
- Reserve Items (High demand items kept at the front desk) - 3 hours or 2 days depending on the item
NOTE: there may be some exceptions to these times. You will be told the due date when signing out the material and you will also receive an email with the due date. It is your responsibility to keep track of these due dates and ensure the material is returned on time.
Renewing Items
If you need an item beyond its due date you can renew the item. Items can be renewed by
- Once signed in, select your name in the top right hand corner and a menu will appear. Select MY LIBRARY ACCOUNT
- On the My Library Account page you will see all items signed out to you
- Select the LOANS tab at the top and you will see a list of titles signed out to you and a renew button to the right of the title
- Select the renew button and if the renewal is successful the due date listed will change
Renewals can also be done over the phone, via email or in person.
NOTE: Not all items can be renewed. If there are any questions about renewing an item please contact or